A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 68- If you trip on the stairs, remember: the fall doesn’t define you, it's how you recover. And try not to spill your coffee.

We sign in at the station and stand in the hall between the stairs and the elevator.

"Absolutely not. We should take the stairs.” Ashton insists. Usually Fin goes along with whatever Ashton wants, but from the way he's staring curiously at the elevator, he wants to try it.

"Ashton and I can take the stairs. Fin, why don't you try the lift? Here." I press the button and when the doors open I gesture for him to enter then I hit the button for the right floor and rush out before the doors can close. Ashton shudders looking at it and we make our way over to the stairs.

"You did not have to take the stairs with me." Ashton says a little guiltily. I shrug.

"It's good exercise." I say optimistically, ignoring the burn in my legs. We're almost at the top when my shoe catches on a step and I go tumbling backwards. This is going to hurt. Except... it doesn't. I'm disoriented by the fall, but before I know it Ashton has me scooped up in his arms. His markings are glowing slightly so I guess he was moving extra fast to catch me in time.

“Th- thanks. I think you're starting a habit of catching me when I trip.” I joke. Ashton grins at me.

"I am at your service." He smirks. I sit waiting for a moment but he's just smiling at me and not doing anything.

"Uh... You can put me down now." I point out. Ashton's smirk only grows wider.

"I could." He agrees, but makes no motion to do so. Instead he continues climbing the stairs while carrying me. "Ashton! Put me down. This isn't safe. What if you fall?" I demand.

"You do not need to be concerned. I will not drop you. I am merely making sure you make it to the top of the stairs safely. It is because of me that you are taking the stairs in the first place." He answers without hesitation, climbing the last few stairs and pausing at the top.noveldrama

"Are you going to put me down now?" I ask. I try to keep my expression serious but I can't help a small smile. Honestly I want to laugh. He's being so silly, and now that we're safely at the top of the stairs and I'm not worried about us falling over it's hard not to enjoy the princess treatment a little bit.

"I am not sure. You seem to be very clumsy. Perhaps I should carry you all the way to your father's office, just to be sure you make it there safely.” Ashton jokes, heading to the stairwell door. I start to struggle.

"No way, don't you dare." I object. Ashton takes another step and I poke him in the chest.

"Put me down right now!" I demand. I can't help myself, I'm nearly breathless and fighting the urge to laugh.

"Oh very well." Ashton agrees as if he is suffering greatly by putting me down. Once my feet are safely on the ground I give into the urge to laugh while Ashton opens the stairwell door and gestures for me to go through first. "You wouldn't really have tried to carry me through the office, would you?" I ask suspiciously. Ashton shrugs noncommittally. I narrow my eyes and he relents.

"I would not want to make you uncomfortable." He responds.

"Right, so you wouldn't do it." I conclude.

"I did not say that." Ashton responds and I whirl to face him, hands on my hips. He's still smirking. Actually, he's in a great mood today, and apparently a mischievous one. I guess he's feeling cheerful about the progress we've made with the assassins, there's only one left to find then he can go home. That thought kills the smile on my face. I keep forgetting that he won't be here forever.

I glance at the elevators but Fin is nowhere to be seen. A look through the room reveals that he is deep in conversation with George. He looks up at us as we approach and George jumps to his feet to pull me into a bear hug. "Hey Kat. Are you doing better? You were a bit shaken up the other night when we spoke." George says with concern in his tone.

"I'm fine, promise. It was nothing that a good sleep and some ibuprofen couldn't cure." I reassure him as I step back.

"Good, what took you both so long? Fin has been here for a few minutes, I was surprised to see him wandering around on his own. You've been keeping these boys on a tight leash." George jokes and I blush. "You don't have to say it like that! I've been taking care of them." I object.

"Of course you are. So what delayed you?" He asks again. I open my mouth, still not quite sure what answer will be coming out of it. Surprisingly, Fin beats me to it.

"I believe that Katerina and Ashton were... Practising alternative ways of going up and down a staircase." Fin responds with a completely straight face. I stare at him with my mouth dropping open. I guess he could hear us, even over the noise of the station. I can't believe he just said that. Ashton is smirking again and seems completely unbothered by his friend's honesty. George looks confused for a moment, but after looking at Ashton's face he seems to get the general idea that they're teasing me so he just sniggers and moves on.

“Fin has been here updating me on your plans to talk to the fae woman. You know, it's very frustrating trying to finish paperwork for a bunch of people with no names, address or other recordable details.” He grumbles.

"Sorry about that. If we can get the woman's name I promise I'll let you know." I tell him. I don't think it's likely that she's going to tell us anything to be honest. The imp guy hasn't said anything useful and she seems a lot more competent than he is. Plus, if what the imp did tell us is actually true, then I doubt she's seen either of them since the day they got here.

"Sure thing. Your dad is in his office. You head on in." He encourages us.

"Thanks George. It's been so busy lately that we haven't had you over for our usual monthly dinner. Dad has barely even been home. When this is all over I'll make sure he reschedules, alright?" I smile at him and George pats me on the head. "You're a good girl Kat. I look forward to it." Monthly dinners with George is something that dad started when I told him that I didn't believe he had any friends. I think it started as a way to prove me wrong but it's become a tradition that I enjoy, even if dad and George do spend the entire meal discussing work. I feel better about dad spending so much time working because I know he has friends here, even if he barely admits it.

Dad is on the phone when we walk in and waves a greeting. There's only one free chair in the room and both Ashton and Fin silently gesture for me to take it. I do, but mostly because I can't see much point in arguing and they're clearly far too chivalrous to accept any other alternative.

"Yes. That's what I said. So those charges will all be dropped.. Yes. Good. Take care of it." Dad hangs up the phone without saying goodbye.

"Dropped charges... Are you talking about the men the fae woman was manipulating?" I ask hopefully and dad nods.

"Yes. The official story is that she gave them a drug that made them compliant and susceptible to manipulation. It's an outright lie obviously, but it's the best I can do." He sighs but I'm thrilled.

“I think that's a great solution. Magic or drugs, either way the guys didn't have any choice in what they did. I've been really worried... Do you think you could contact their workplaces and give them your cover story? And maybe their wives too... I'd do it myself but in this case I think it would be more acceptable coming from you." I stare at him giving my most pleading expression. Dad gives me an indulgent smile.

"It's already on my to do list Kat. You told us during your explanation of the incident that you were worried about the men and their families. I can't guarantee they will get their jobs back, but I can at least make sure their records stay clean and give them a decent excuse for their wives." He answers. Ashton makes a slight 'huh' sound that draws my attention.

"Oh, it is nothing. I was merely thinking that the two of you are a lot more alike than I had originally estimated. You are both very kind.” he explains and I beam.

"You're right, my dad is the best." I agree wholeheartedly.

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