A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 72- If you're not sure if it's appropriate, send it anyway and blame autocorrect.

"Well, if you want to call someone you do need their phone number. Are you planning to call Lucy?" I ask bluntly. Fin maintains his poker face, the only sign that he might be a little flustered is that he is shifting around in his seat uncomfortably.

"I... I am not sure that I would call her. I thought that perhaps I could practise that thing you were doing before. The one where you sent her a message, like a letter but faster." He struggles to remember the word. "A text?" I confirm.

"Ah, yes. A text. I thought that I may need to practise sending a text, and that Lucy might be willing to assist me." He says as an explanation. I exchange an amused glance with Ashton. We are all clearly aware that Fin could text me, or even Ashton to practise. But he wants to talk to Lucy and I decide not to call him out on it.

"If you really want Lucy's number, you could get it from her directly or ask someone else who already has it to share it with you." Fin looks disheartened.

"Oh... But from what I understand, is a phone number not private information? I was under the impression that it is not something to give away to just anyone. I do not believe it would be... appropriate for me to take her number from you without first getting her permission." He insists.

"I'm sure Lucy wouldn't mind. I can just text her and ask. Tell her that you want her number?" I suggest. Fin doesn't refuse, but he definitely doesn't look comfortable. If I had to guess, I might even say he seems... embarrassed. I didn't think it was possible to embarrass him at this point but apparently it is. I consider my options and come up with a plan.

"If you aren't comfortable with me asking Lucy if you can have her number directly, there is something else I can do. I'll make a group chat. It's still texting but instead of just two people in the conversation there would be several. I would add us." I gesture around at myself, Fin and Ashton.

"And also Lucy and Marcus. They would be thrilled to help you with learning to use your phone better and then you could start an individual conversation with whoever you wanted later." I suggest. Fin stops shuffling around in his seat and gives me his full attention. I guess that's a yes to my plan then.

"Give me a minute and I'll get it set up." I tell him, already grabbing my phone. Before making the group chat, I send a message to an already existing group chat with myself, Lucy and Marcus.

Kat- Hey guys. Ashton and Fin got phones today and they're working on learning how to use them. I've volunteered you both as new contacts for them to practise texting and maybe making calls. I'm going to start a group chat with all of us. Just remember that their reading skills aren't quite as good as their spoken English so I'd avoid too much text talk or slang until they get used to it.

Lucy- Yes! Yes, I'll help! Definitely add me to the group chat. I'll be careful what I type.

Marcus- Lucy, aren't you meant to be working? Why are you on your phone?

Lucy-... Bathroom break?


Lucy- Oh like you can talk. You're at work too!

Marcus- ...

Marcus- Shut up.

Lucy- HAH!

Kat- We get it, you're both slackers. You didn't answer Marcus, are you keen to help some fae learn technology?

Marcus- Of course. Who would ever turn down the chance to play the fifth wheel and watch a couple of hot guys inevitably embarrass themselves? This will be fun. I'll be like the chaperone of the chat.

Lucy- I'm fairly sure a chaperone is supposed to PREVENT inappropriate behaviour, you only encourage it.

Kat- She's got a point...

Marcus- Hmm... What's the opposite of a chaperone? Whatever, It'll be fun either way. Count me in.

Kat- Okay, I'll set up the chat now.

Marcus- Great. But we DO need to get back to work. Warn your fae that we won't be too chatty until our shifts end.

Lucy- :(

Kat- No problem

I turn back to Ashton and Fin with a grin on my face.

"All sorted, Lucy and Marcus were both very keen to help us out." I assure them. Fin nods acceptingly, but he is clutching his phone like it's something precious.

"I do not yet know Marcus, but I understand that he is a good friend to you and Lucy." Fin concludes. Oh yeah, I had forgotten that I haven't introduced the two of them yet.

"Yes, he's our supervisor at work but he's also a good friend. He can be a little... Honest? Or maybe overwhelming is a better way to put it. Either way, don't take him too seriously. He makes a lot of jokes and he enjoys teasing people, especially Lucy and I." I warn him.

"I am beginning to suspect that you appreciate friends who are willing to joke around and tease you." Fin says with a pointed glance at Ashton and I blush again.

"I appreciate a good sense of humour." I agree.

A flash right in my face has me blinking in shock. Apparently Ashton has discovered the flash function on his phone's camera. He seems just as shocked by it as I am. "Ashton, maybe don't use the camera flash so close to people's faces." I tell him, still blinking away the light.noveldrama

"I apologise, I did not realise what I was doing. What is the light for?" He queries.

"It's so you can get decent photos in the dark." I show him how to turn it off again then go about setting up the new group chat. I give it a name because why not.

Kat changed the name of the chat: **Conversation practise for confused fae and confusing humans**

Kat- Hey everyone, this is the new group chat I mentioned. Remember, Ashton and Fin are still learning, don't mess with them too much!

Lucy- I'll behave, promise!

Marcus- I'll believe that when I see it. Hey Ashton and.... Fin?

I spend a few minutes coaching Fin and Ashton through finding their messages and writing out responses. Ashton's message is rushed and missing a few spaces, he doesn't seem to care much as long as it's understandable. Fin is more of a perfectionist so it takes him several minutes to compose a response and his message is pretty long for a first ever text.

Ashton- Helloagain Lucy and Marcus. Your helpis appreciated.

Marcus- No problem. Happy to help out.

Lucy- Yeah! Fin, are you in the chat too?

Finvara- Good afternoon Lucy. Thank you for your assistance in learning to use my new phone. I am hoping to become more proficient. Marcus, we are not currently acquainted but my name is Finvara, you may call me Fin if you wish. I work as Ashton's attendant and I am currently staying with Kat who is kind enough to host me while I assist him with his task. I look forward to meeting you properly at some point.

Marcus-You're right, we should meet in person. Lucy and I are working (or supposed to be working) right now. But what are you all doing for dinner? We could go to O'Connel's? Lucy- OMG yes!

Lucy- Sorry, OMG means Oh my god. My bad.

"What is O'Connel's?" Ashton asks, struggling a little with the pronunciation of a word he can barely read.

"It's a pub that we like to eat at sometimes. It's a lot more laid back than the hotel restaurant, and quieter than the club we went to. It might be fun if you're not too tired." I say enthusiastically. Ashton immediately agrees to go. I turn to Fin. "Did you want to come to dinner? You don't have to come just because we're going. But it would be nice for you to meet Marcus." I add.

"Then I shall have to come to dinner." Fin concludes with a small smile.

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