Contract Marriage with My CEO Boss (Kylan and Katrina)

Chapter 58

The fact that Kylan, of all people, thought about her enough to not only consider her desires but also shoved aside his own apprehension to take part in one. It confused her, and it also made her chest feel warm. Incredibly warm. Almost too warm.

It was snowing lightly, the sky above opening its dark clouds over the rink. Though it was still afternoon, lights were already lit above and near the rink, casting a comfortable glow across the ice. Soft Christmas music drifted from several floating speakers all around, the sounds of laughter and the subtle cutting of ice under blades, adding to the overall ambiance of the outdoor winter wonderland

Katrina loved coming here with Aaron and Maine, but she never thought she would be here on a date. Well, a pretend date, anyway,

Nonetheless, when Kylan grabbed her skates from the attendant, she still smiled at him. He looked grumpy, painfully so, but she noticed his eyes softened a fraction when he met her gaze.

She followed him over to a bench, brushing a bit of snow away before she sat down and began to pull off her boots, shoving her feet in the ice skates instead. "I love that they have the tree lit, even during the day" She nodded her head in the direction of the gaudy Rockefeller Christmas tree across the other side of the rink

"It's a gross display of money, in my opinion" came Kylan's cool response.

She shook her head at him. "Not everything needs to be negative, Kylan, she chastised, leaning over and wrapping the laces of her skates around the backs of them a few times, tying them in place at the front

Kylan huffed, pulling on his own skates a bit awkwardly. She watched him tie his skates, leaving far too much lace out of the loops. He was going to trip over them, and she laughed. "That's not right. Here."

She stood up, brushing off her coat and taking a knee in front of him, conscious of the blades on her skates as she did.

"It's fine, Kate. For f*ck's sake, I'm not a child." Kylan snapped down at her

She effectively ignored his protests. "Have you ever actually been skating. Kylan?" she asked him instead.

Kylan was silent in front of her, and she looked up at him. He was scowling down at her, a faint tinge of pink dusting his cheeks. She wasn't certain if it was from the cold or embarrassment, but she thought it looked rather endearing all the same.

"How are you in your early thirties and you've never been ice skating?" she asked him in wonder, shaking her head before rying his other skate in the same fashion as her own.

"I fail to see the draw of balancing my feet on top of two blades, Katrina Kylar explained, rolling his eyes at her and scowling impossibly more.

"I help you learn, okay?" She stood up, readjusting her hat on her head and offering him a hand to take

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. The f*ck is wrong with me." Kylan griped, running his hands through his hair, and then snatching her hand before pulling himself to a standing position. He wobbled slightly, moving to grip her forearms. He narrowed his eyes at her, and she only laughed.

"Slow and steady wins the race, Kylan. Take my hand and walk with me. Also, remember that there's no shame in hugging the side of the rink if you need to." She found his hand once more and started guiding him to the ice

It was incredibly entertaining, sering Kylan out of his comfort zone like this. He was miserable, muttering a slew of curse words under his breach the entire way to the rink. She held a steady grip on his hand, and he held hers like a vice. She didn't comment on it, though. She was just glad he was willing to try something like this at all.

She stopped at the mouth of the rink, looking at Kylan, who was eyeing the rink in front of them like it was a bed of glass, and not well-traveled over fabricated ice.

"Kylan..." she giggled at him, shaking her head and blinking a few snowflakes away. "You don't have to skate with me, you know that, right? I appreciate you be willing, but I don't want you hating your life for the next hour."

Kylan met her gaze, an apprehensive frown covering his features. "Would it make you happy if I skated with you?" he murmured, reaching forward and brushing her hair away from her neck

She shrugged her shoulders, ignoring the way his fingertips made her skin tingle. "I will never ask you to do anything you're uncomfortable with

she reiterated.

Kylan sighed, his eyes roaming her face for a moment. "C'mon, Katrina." He gripped her hand ever more tightly, taking the lead and stepping onto the ice first.

Kylan, on the other hand... It was an instant straggle for him, and

She followed him, finding her balance easily, just as she did every time she skated. Kylan she could tell it bothered him that he wasn't immediately good at skating

It was slow-moving, skating with Kylan. She tried her best to offer advice, telling him to allow his feet to glide, rather than walk across the ice. He would grasp the concept for a minute, and then he would sputter She had never seen Kylan in quite this capacity, where he was the one out of sorts and she was the one guiding him along. He looked at her for

ion when he almost fell

fell for the fifth time.

direction, huffing in frustration

She smiled at him. patient and willing to help him however she could

Katrina made sure to carefully avoid people, the rink crowded with it bring a Saturday. "Can I let go of you for a second?" she asked Rylan when she was nearly halfway around the rink for the first time

He looked at her with something akin to fear in his eyes, but he released her hand all the same. She turned around, skating backward now, Kylanı raised his eyebrows at her, standing in place "Glide, Kylan. The ice isn't going to fall out from under you, you're going to be fine if you stumble and fall. You need to just Feel. Feel, and glide. She turned around and demonstrated her words, not going too far away from him before she faced him again. "I want you to skate to me by yourself, she instructed

"Hell no. Katrina" Kylan protested, his arms rigid at his sides.

He looked funny, she had to admit, Funny, ye... Nice. The way the snow fell over his hair, blanketing it in a ring of white. The way his cheeks and the tip of his nose were red agains the cold. The sharp angle of his jaw while he glared at her. Yeah, he looked nice. Kylan, it's maybe five feet. You can do this she attempted to encourage him.

Im not about to fall on my ass, Kate. Kylan insisted.

She rolled her eyes at him with a laugh. "It's all part of the experience if you do fall. Now, come on," She skated a bit closer in him, now only at

feet away.

Kylan continued to glare at her, but she ignored it in favor of smiling at him. Finally, he skated to her. It was awkward and undeniably choppy, but she could tell he might get the hang of it soon if he didn't give up

He nearly made it to her, before the tip of his left blade caught on the ice, and he foundered, nearly losing his balance. She surged forward, grabbing his arm in hopes of steadying him. This proved to be counteractive though, and when he took hold of her arm in return, they ended up dragging each other down to the ice beneath their skatesnoveldrama

She landed awkwardly on top of him like in some cheesy romance movie, and she found herself laughing at the shocked expression on Kylan's facr under her. She buried her head into his chest instinctively, still laughing all the while.

"F*cking hell, this ice is cold," Kylan groaned beneath her.

She pulled back and looked at him, moving to get off, but his arms shifted and encircled her waist, locking her in place.

There was a moment then. A passing second, a quiet exchange of gazes and wandering eyes. Her own fell to his lips, and she watched as has did the same to bes

And then she was leaning down, and he was lifting his head, and the world fell away from her when his lips met hers for the first time in over a month

His lips were warm and pliant against her own, and she heard herself sigh in contentment.

It felt good, kissing Kylan after so long. After a few seconds though, her mind wandered down another path.

The hotel in Maine. The bed she laid on together. Her legs wrapped around Kylan's waist. His fingers along her chest, her own ghosting into his sweatpants Her quiet ask to touch him. To be close to him,

His rejection.

All at once, it was too much, kissing Kylan. Feeling him close to her again after something like that. She pulled away, doing her best to seem natural in doing so. She allowed herself to kiss his cheek instead, patting his chest and then standing up to brush herself off She offered both of her hands and helped him stand too, avoiding his eyes while she did "Come on, then Hold onto me again. You'll get the hang of it." She pulled him along and he sighed next to her.

It took Kylan another twenty or so minutes before he had the hang of skating, but then he was much more confident on his feet. Or rather, has


Before long, he was leading her and they were weaving in and out of crowds of fellow skaters.

It was fun, skating with Kylan. Watching him gain confidence and poise, just as he did with other areas of his life. She found herself laughing with him, his hand warm in her own, showing falling around thein in quiet, white tendrils of wintery bliss. The music, the distant smell of pine from the Christmas tree across the way. It was everything, a truly magical moment.

She even caught Kylan nearly smiling, once or twice, though she knew he would never admit to doing so. But he didn't seem miserable, his shoulders relaxed and his hand no longer squeezing hers quite as tightly as before.

He seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, and when she stopped skating an hour later, it was only because she was freezing and could no longer hide it from him..

"Come on, then. Let's go get you some tea." Kylan guided her out of the rink and to her boots.

This time, Kylan knelt and helped her untie her skates. She allowed him to, watching his nimble fingers with a soft smile. The top of his head was covered in snow, and she fought the urge to fluff his hair because of it

Once they were both back in their boots and on solid ground once again, they walked their skates to the attendant and then wandered hand in hand down Fifth Avenue in search of a coffee shop.

She found one a few minutes later and she gratefully walked inside with Kylan, thankful to be out of the cold.

She had never been to this cafe before, her eyes taking in the gorgeous white pine Christmas tree in one corner, and a roaring fire in a fireplace near the adjacent corner.

Kylan ordered his usual tea, and she ignored the roll of his eyes when she disappointed him by ordering a hot chocolate.

She made herself at home on a chaise lounge in front of the fire, shivering against the cold and then relishing in the warmth of the flames. Kylan gathered her drinks and then sat next to her, his shoulder and thigh pressed idly against hers.

She murmured a thank you and then took a sip of the cocoa, humming once the chocolate coated her taste buds and slipped down her throat, "Thank you Kylan. This was special, she admitted quiety, glancing at him.

Kylan met her gaze, his own softer than usual. "I suppose it wasn't entirely miserable," he conceded.

Katrina smiled at him, shaking her head, and nudging his shoulder playfully. He then surprised her by wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing the top of her head. "Wait, stay there."

She set her hot chocolate down on the ground near her boot and fished her phone from her coat pocket. She pulled off her gloves, unlocked her phone, and opened the camera app. She flipped it so that it was facing them, and then she took a picture of Kylan still kissing her head while Katrina was smiling into the lens.

She locked and put away her phone, picking up her drink and taking another sip while Kylan readjusted next to her. "For your social media," she reminded him.

He nodded at her. I know he agreed, rubbing her side softly and drinking his tea.

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