MY Possessive Mafia Men

Men 186

Chapter 186: Make Him Pay

Chapter 186: Make Him Pay. Riccardo

"Ben's sudden hateful outburst towards her terrified her. I have never seen her like this before. I figured you could...I don't know what I thought you could do about it. It is just..." Andy trailed off.

"He should know not to go near Angelia again, and I seriously doubt he will listen to me."

"I will take care of it." I didn't hesitate to say.

"I will warn Ben off her and make sure he heeds it." He sighed in relief.

"That is good."

"Do you know where he is now?" I asked.

"Maybe I have often seen him hanging around Zenith Bar at all hours of the day, whether it was a weekday. He might be there."

"Thanks," I grunted, getting ready to hang up. My hand shook just a little, betraying my violent feelings.

""Of course. And Riccardo.."


"Make him pay."

The hard tone in his voice surprised me, but what especially surprised me was his thirst for violence. Maybe it shouldn't have. It was clear he cared about Angelia a lot. He had gone against two men much bigger than him, Marshall and me, to protect his friend. I could definitely appreciate that kind of loyalty and friendship. I smirked cruelly.

"Oh! Believe me, he will."

As soon as we hung up, I dialed another number, my private investigator. He had been working for me for years, he was old, but his mind was still sharp.

"Hi, I am going to need your help with one other issue. A time-sensitive one, I want you to find a guy named Ben for me. He works at the café in Ogume and the owner of the café is also his aunt. I need the location as soon as possible, preferably tonight." "Of course, Mr. Morgan. I will call you as soon as I find him."

I put the phone down and tried to settle in for the wait. It was impossible, though. My hands itched to find this filth who thought he had the right to talk down to Angelia. That he had the fucking mind to hurt my girl's self-confidence and damage her own self-image. I had promised Andy that he would pay, and I found myself eager to deal out the punishment. For a moment, I debated telling the two men about this, but I wanted this guy to suffer and not die. He wasn't worth the blood on our hands, because I doubt Kingston would see it that way.

Making my decision not to wait until I heard from the private investigator about Ben's whereabouts. I picked up my jacket and keys and left the building through the back doors. It was dark outside, the night blanketing the city as the moon took over from the blashing heat of the sun. The temperature had dropped since I had arrived at the club but the sight of a chill was a blessing to my heated skin. Using the installer GPS tracker, I typed in the address of the bar and hit the road. The adrenaline grew stronger the closer I got to the bar, my thoughts went into a jumbled mess of anger and worry. I didn't like Angelia being alone, but if she didn't reach out herself, I wouldn't push her. It had to be her choice to let me in, nothing good would come of me making decisions for her.

Chapter 186: Make Him Pay

The streets near the bar were practically empty, a couple was bickering by a car while a homeless man had camped on one of the benches by a bus stop. Seeing the man in his poorly patched clothes sleeping on hard metal made the anger in me stutter. It reminded me of a time when money was tight and the fear of losing our homes was strong, as well as a valid concern. However, I doubted my grandparents would have ever admitted to it. I parked the car in a well-lit area, though I didn't much care what happened to it. I had many more important concerns to deal with. Before I went on to try and find the motherfucker, I passed by the sleeping man and stealthily slipped him a few hundred which I always made sure I carry with me for purposes like that. I could only hope he would spend the money well, but either way he chose to spend it, it was his to decide.

The couple had driven away, leaving the street utterly vacant except for the man currently snoring his eardrums to damage. Zenith Bar was a dump, it smelled of sweat, spilled drinks and days-old puke. It was nauseating, and I couldn't envision anyone wanting to freely spend their time here. It made sort of sense that a slime like Ben had nowhere better to be. This hovel suited him. I looked around the dimly lit place, but other than a hook-up girl trying to entice a man into buying her service, and the bartender. There was no sign of Ben, the bartender locked eyes with me as I chanced to catch whatever illness coated the area, and I walked up to the man.

"What brings a man like you here?" the man grunted, taking in my fitted suit with greedy interest, wondering if I would be an easy target.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and my hands clenched into fists. The bartender wasn't the one I was after, but I could use a good fight if he chose to do something stupid. With a sneer, he grabbed a beer for himself, opening the bottle with his teeth. He split out the cork, the metal landed on the floor with a disgusting clatter.

Well?" He prompted.

"I am trying to find a fucker in need of a good bashing." I responded, seeing no need to play pretend.

This guy probably saw the worst of the worst. He wouldn't be one to squeal at the pigs. The hook-up girl currently sucking a man's dick in the corner of the bar was proof enough of that. A twitch of pity pressed upon my chest at the woman having to sell her body to get by. debated giving her money but decided against it. She might take my offer as an insult and I didn't want her to feel as though I pitied her. Even though I did. Some were too proud to accept help and I didn't have time to get in a row with her. Maybe I could come back another time when I wasn't in a rush. To see if she would be interested in help without having to sell herself to get it.

"Oh, yeah?" He chuckled in disbelief, wrongly judging my character based on my clothes.

He, especially, should have known it wasn't the clothes that accurately portrayed a man. It was the way the man held himself.

"And what do you think I can do for you?"

"Have you seen a skinny guy by the name Ben tonight? Dark hair, ugly little shit." I said, holding a hand to my chest, indicating his height and doing my best to ignore the pig-ish grunts coming from the corner

"Maybe I have seen him, maybe I haven't. My mind is a bit fuzzy." He took a mouthful of his beer before letting out a loud burp as he pounded his chest a couple of times. My lips curled in disgust.

"I might need a little something to help with my memory." He hinted but I had already expected it. Slapping a hundred on the bar counter, I spoke.

"You will get another hundred if you answer my question."

He quickly slipped the money into his pocket, I wouldn't have seen it if I had blinked.noveldrama

"A skinny dark haired guy, you say? Sure, I have seen him. He left about fifteen minutes ago. I don't know which way he went."

In other words, I had a fat chance of catching up to him but I would still try.

"Thanks," I said dryly, throwing him another hundred and hurried to exit the fine establishment.

Outside, I had two choices, a fifty-fifty chance. Cursing, I took a right and hurried down the street. The street was only lit by weak streetlights and as I got to another crossroad, I squinted to the left but didn't see a soul. There wasn't anyone on the right either. Again, I 2/3 10:47 Thu, Dec 5

Chapter 186: Make Him Pay

took a guess and went left. I walked past a drunk staggering towards the garage can, and I did not want to be anywhere near here, when he puked everything up. I wasn't far from Angelia's apartment and I got sick at the thought of her living there. This was no place for a young woman. If she ever took us back, I mean, when she took us back, would make sure she never slept alone in her apartment ever again. If she wanted a place to be alone, I would find her other living dungements,

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