Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 57

Third Person's POV

"Are you okay? You've been pretty quiet most of the night" asks Ares.

"Y-Yes, just nervous," admits Athena, having been completely swept off her feet by their sweet yet kind words, as nobody has ever said anything like that to her before. Not even Jacob. "Don't be nervous love, we love and adore you" admits Eros with a smile. "Not to mention, Deimos and Zeus are head over heels for you as well." "That's probably because of

f Artemis. She's such a flirt" laughs Athena, knowing how her wolf was, a tease when it came to the boys. "True" chuckle chuckles Ares. "But nonetheless Zeus sand Deimos utterly adore you as well." "Thank you" whispers Athena as she moves to take another sip of her apple juice. Ares and Eros having a silent conversation with one another before Eros speaks up once again.

know. about a dance?" asks Eros

"Dance?" questions Athena, her nerves momentarily forgotten.

Ya, a

a dance, come on" smiles Eros as he moves to stand, carefully tugging on Athena's hand until she moves to follow him. Sighing, she moves to stand before following Eros onto the makeshift dance floor, Ares moving to turn on music, a slow song soon playing as they danced.

such a natural" chuckles Eros as his arm embraces Athena holding her close. "You're just being modest mutters Athena, who still felt foolish at her lack of dancing skills. "Am not. I only speak the truth and what I say is all truth. You're a natural, you just have to

believe in yourself" answers Eros with a smile. His eyes watching Athena as they continued to dance, Athena being careful not to step on his toes.

"If you say so" whispers Athena, only to yelp when Eros dips her.

"I do say so smirks Eros before kissing her nice and slow. Bringing her to stand back up once the song had finished.

Blushing, Athena tries to keep it one the down low as Eros moves to swap out with Ares, Ares taking his place to dance with his lovely Luna. "You look stunning when you blush" whispers Ares, Chapter 57


as he moves to hold Athena. The same way he did when they first danced at the mating ball.

"F-Flatterer" stammers Athena, embarrassed once more.

"Again truth" was all Ares says as he moves to twirl her. Smirking, he gently moves to let her go during the twirl and lets her twirl a few feet away until coming to a stop her back now facing them as she did.

Blinking, Athena becomes confused. "Ares?" calls Athena as she slowly moves to face them only to gasp as her hands move to her mouth as she did. "W-What are you doing?" gasps Athena, still in shock at what she was seeing before her.

"What does it look like love?" asks Eros from his spot next to his brother, for there kneeling directly in front of Athena was both Eros and Ares, Ares holding a small tiny box that was holding a ring out to Athena, her eyes still in awe.

1-1-" trails

s Athena, still too stunned to fully speak as she continues to watch her mates.

"How about a yes?" asks Ares, still holding the ring gently.

"Ares, I-" chokes Athena, fighting back her tears as they threaten to spill over.

"Please, there's no other woman in this life that either I or Eros could ever want. The only one we

want in this life and the next one is you. Please, will you do us the honor of not only being Our Lunanoveldrama

à but our Wife as well?" pleads Ares, his gaze never faulting as he continues to hold her gaze.

"Y-Yes" cries Athena

s Athena finally. Flinging her arms around his neck once they move to stand, sharing another private moment until eventually they separate and Ares can gently place the ring upon

her finger where it sat nestled nicely as if it was made specifically for her.

Looking at the ring that now sat beautifully against her hand, Athena can't help but notice a beautiful diamond ring nestled within a crescent shaped moon. The band made of white gold as it

sat elegantly upon her engagement finger.

"It's beautiful, but when?" asks Athena now curious how they managed to find a ring.

"That's our secret" chuckles Eros as he moves to kiss his bride. For now, not only would they be mates within the werewolf community but actual husband and wife within the human community as well. Allowing everyone to know she was officially spoken for if the marks on her neck weren't a clear sign as well. "Okay lover boy my turn" chuckles Ares as he gently moves to take Athena away from Eros b placing a kiss of his own to her lips. His hands moving to rest gently against her hips as they



embrace, Athena still on cloud 9 as they did.

Soon shortly, the kiss slowly ends and Athena pulls away breathlessly. "That-That was amazing" whispers Athena softly, her body moving to stand in front of her mates. Both gazing at her as she did.

"Indeed it was love, but you're always amazing" chuckles Eros, his eyes dancing with Deimos as Deimos now sat at the forefront of his eyes.

"Deimos?" whispers Athena, a shiver running through her as she watches her second mate, her

wolf mate.

"Mmm, yes mate?" purrs Deimos as he now stands in place of Eros.

"Where's Eros?" asks Athena, confused as to why Deimos would be present instead of Eros.

"With me, but he promised that tonight me and Zeus could spend this moment with you" answers Deimos as he moves to stand-closer to Athena who shivers yet again.

"Zeus?" calls Athena, as she moves to look at Ares, only to see that his eyes reflected Zeus's.

"Yes little mate?" purrs Zeus happily.

"Only one y

At the sound of both their voices, Athena can't help but feel her panties dampen as she had never spent a night with either Deimos or Zeus and now wondered if they were just like the twins or were they completely different in the bedroom. way to find out mate" whispers Deimos as he knew what she was thinking as both he and Zeus could smell her sudden state of arousal. Smirking, Zeus moves to grab Athena before lifting her into his arms. Giggling, Athena waits with


"Mmm, someone's being a naughty little mate" purrs Zeus who smirks playfully. "I think someone needs to be taught a lesson."

At the sound of his voice and the words lesson, Athena squeezes her legs closer together even while being held by Zeus as the thought of being taken by them clouded her senses.

"Yes please... Take me" whispers Athena, fully aware of her state of arousal, an arousal that could only be brought on by her mates as Athena only had eyes for them and they her, her eyes now staring deeply into Zeus's when she spoke those said words. "Take me and make me yours and yours alone" states Athena, as she gazes into the eyes of her 3/4

mates, each growling and purring in anticipation of what was to come for tonight, it was about them, and the pleasure Athena would soon feel when Zeus and Deimos finally sank there teeth into, their wolfish desires now unleashed from deep within. Chapter Comments


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