Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 61

Our Luna, Our Mate Chapter 61 Athena's POV

"Mmmm, that was delicious" I say as we all just sit around at the dining room table, having just finished with breakfast many of us were now just resting our bellies before moving to go about our day.


ng was love" chuckles Áres with a smile as he looks over in my direction.

I move to smile back. "Cute" chuckles Eros, only for my attention to be diverted over in another direction. "Athena? Are you busy today?" smiles Maya, who seemed to have turned her attention over to me.

"No, I'm not t busy today Maya, what's up?" I ask her as I shift my focus over to her unaware of the hidden agenda that was going on. "Would you be able to accompany me to my doctor's appointment then? Grant has training today and I didn't want to go alone because of that" admits Maya, hiding the real reason she was trying to get her to agree to come with. "Sure, I'd be more than happy to go with" I smile, shifting my focus over to my mates. "Is that okay with the both of you?" "Of course it is love," smiles Éros.


of course. Eros and I should really get some training in today as we've been slacking with that ever since we returned from the Mating Ball so we really should start training again as our ceremonies are coming up fast" admits Ares, a little reluctantly to do so but knew their father would give them hell if they get back to training for as future Alpha's it was their duty to protect the pack and their mate. Nodding, I move to smile softly to my mates, watching as they slowly move to leave with Grant. Kai, Seth and Sam each leaving for the training grounds as well. "Well I Maya, I'm all yours then" I tell her with a smile.

"Perfect!" squeals Maya, as she all but grabs me by the hand before yanking me from my chair, Lucas, Emma and Emily following close behind me as she did.

Watching as Maya all but drags me from the dining room, Alarick can only laugh in amusement. "Ah to be young again" chuckles Alarick as he looks to his mate lovingly. Chapter 61

"Indeed it it my love, but soon our children will be taking over and you'll be able to enjoy much more freedom then" smiles Gwen, moving to stand from the table, she moves to head towards the direction of her mates office as she had many things to plan for Athena and wanted to get a head start in the planning process.

Chuckling, Alarick moves to follow his mate, knowing he had much to do as well before handing the reins over to his sons for he did remember telling them that he would give them the title of Alpha in about 6 months tops providing they had found their mate and in which they did, earning them their place as the new Alpha's of the Mystic Shadow Pack. -Pack Hospital-

"Are you sure you guys want to be here?" I ask, looking at my newly dubbed Beta, Gamma and Delta, not wanting them to feel obligated to be here when they could be training alongside their mates.

"Of course we want to be here" smiles Emma, as she moves to follow her Luna.


don't be ridiculous, it's our job to make sure you're okay at all times" remarks Emily, both the girls excited to be with their Luna.

Turning my focus over to Lucas I pause. "Lucas?" is all I get out before he chuckles. "There not wrong my Luna. It's our job to protect you and our pack from any kind of threat" admits Lucas just as we move to approach the reception desk of the hospital. "Hello, Good Morning" smiles Maya to the lady at the desk.

"Oh, Hello, How may I help you today?" greets an Omega nurse as she moves to look at all of us, only to land eyes on me and Maya. "Oh my, My Luna is everything okay?" she quickly adds, not

realizing her guest was me.

"Yes, everything is okay. I'm just here to accompany my friend Maya here. She has an

appointment with the doctor here today" I explained to the nurse, hoping to ease any worry she

might have.

"Ah yes, please, right this way then. The doctor will see you shortly" replies the nurse when she spots Maya's knowing look before moving to take us to a room.

Upon entering the room, each of us moved to get comfortable until the doctor could arrive. "Whoa, this place looks amazing" whispers Maya, remembering the room she was in for her last appointment and it didn't compare to anything like the room they were in now. "That's because this is the Luna Suite, this is where our Luna's come to stay during their labor



and delivery process" smiles the doctor as she moves to look at me.

"But I'm not giving birth yet" I tell her, still not realizing the hidden words behind them.

"Not yet, but soon, now how about we do a nice check up on you to make sure you and your baby is doing well" remarks the doctor as she gestures towards the bed that had a monitor next to it.

But... I'm not here for a checkup... Maya is" I stammer, only to hear her giggle, drawing my attention over to her. "Maya?"

"Remember Sullat

dear, you're a wolf. As well as an Alpha by blood. Your wolf pup will grow quickly" chuckles Emily, amused by my words.

Still at a loss for words, I slowly head towards the bed where once there I move to sit, the doctor working to get everything setup for the appointment. "I'm getting you all back for this" I mumble as my shirt is slowly lifted not believing I fell for the oldest trick in the book. "Okay Luna, this might be a bit cold but I can assure you it'll be fine, so just sit back and relax and let me take things from here" remarks the doctor as she lathers up my stomach with the gel, the gel cold like she said it would be before running the wand along my stomach hoping to catch a glimpse of the babies.

Trying to relax, I move to do as s told

What is that?" I ask, not sure what it was that I was hearing as my eyes turn towards the screen, watching as the doctor does her thing only to hear it, a whooshing sound. Almost like a heartbeat. "Ah there we are" whispers the doctor as she watches the screen.

Upon closer inspection the sound gets louder. "Well? What is it doctor?" ask Maya, suddenly curious at the doctor's findings.

"I would say a congratulations are in order my Luna. Looks like you're having triplets" answers the doctor with a smile, everyone within the room going silent including me. "T-Triplets?" I stuttered once I found my voice. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, see right here" smiles the doctor as she points to three little blobs on the screen.

When seeing the blobs I begin to get teary eye. Tears of joy now forming at knowing that me and my mates were going to become parents, knowing that they were actually there, inside of me, made the feeling that much stronger than just a simple smell check. "Do you know the gender?" asks Lucas to the doctor. 3/4 Chapter 61

"Mm, not yet, but when you come back on your next visit I should be able to tell you then" explains the doctor as she moves to wipe off the ultrasound gel from along my stomach.

Once clean, does she move to push the machine away, "I'll go ahead and set up your next appointment for you. I'll expect to see you in a month. By then your pups should have grown enough to be able to give you their genders" replies the doctor before moving to leave. "Okay thank you doctor, see you in a month" is all say just as she leaves the room moving to set up my next appointment as we're left to our own devices. Chapter Comments

Tesia Romero

Awww triplets. Her Dad was a triplet so makes since.


POST COMMENTnoveldrama



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