Promise Me Forever: Manhattan Ruthless

: Chapter 55

Drake’s childhood home is full of laughter tonight. All of his brothers are here, along with extended family members, and it’s been an evening of fun, fine food, and even finer company. As an only child who recently lost her mom, being at the heart of something like this takes some getting used to—the noise, the banter, the way they all bounce off each other. I still feel a little shy around them sometimes, but I love every minute of it.

It’s getting close to midnight, and Nathan and Mel have disappeared. Maybe they’re tired, or maybe they’re otherwise engaged. It’s impossible not to notice that they can’t keep their hands off each other.

Drake was deep in conversation with Nathan earlier, and they ended their chat with a hug. Everyone seems to be in a good mood, and I’ve enjoyed meeting a few new people and spending some time with the now-sleeping baby Luke. He’s turning one in a couple of days, and I’m sure his parents will love the toddler drum set Drake and I picked out. I know I’m excited to attend his first concert.

I laugh as I watch Maddox demonstrate that he can in fact do a full circuit of the room walking on his hands and as Mason hands him a $100 bill afterward. I wouldn’t bet against Maddox when it comes to the wild and wacky, and I’m surprised Mason did. Elijah shakes his head at their antics and goes back to his cell phone. From the wicked smirk on his face, I’d bet my last dollar he’s talking to a woman. But who?

“Having fun?” asks Drake as he sidles up behind me. He slides his hands around my waist and pulls me back into him.

I rub myself against his body and smile in satisfaction when I feel his cock immediately respond. “I am now.” I’m wearing a dress that ties up the back, and his hands have been toying with it all night. I am indeed behaving like a vixen this evening. I knew exactly the reaction it would provoke in him.

“I’m looking forward to getting you out of this dress,” he says, whispering against my neck and making my heart beat faster. “It’s a very sexy dress, but not even half as sexy as the woman wearing it. You feeling naughty tonight, mi rosa?”

I glance up at him over my shoulder, my cheeks hot. “I guess I am, sir. I probably need to be punished.”

His cock twitches against me, and he groans. “You are a wicked, wicked woman. Now, come outside with me.”

Holding my hand, he pulls me with him toward the huge balcony that runs along the whole front of the house. He leads us both through the glass door and outside, where there’s a magnificent view of the lights of Manhattan laid out before us in the distance.

Even though it’s not quite midnight, there are already fireworks going off all over the city, multicolored explosions painting the inky black sky with glitter.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I murmur, mesmerized.

“It is,” he replies, turning me to face him. “But not even half as beautiful as you, Amelia.”

He kisses me, his lips surprisingly gentle against mine. His breath is warm against my skin as he whispers, “I love you. So damn much. I don’t know how I ever lived without you.”

Before I can reply, he drops down to one knee in front of me. My hands fly to my mouth, and I stare in disbelief as he pulls a small black velvet box from his jacket pocket.

“Oh my god …” My breath catches in my throat.

“Nora Amelia Ryder,” he says seriously, opening the box. “You are my entire fucking world. My everything. On the night we met, I said nobody could ever promise forever. I was wrong, and that’s what I’m promising you now—forever. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you promise me forever?”

Tears spill from my eyes, and as the new year begins, the sky explodes around us. Cheers erupt from inside the house, and the sound of a whole city celebrating reaches my ears. None of it compares to what I see in Drake’s eyes—love, devotion, and the promise of eternity.

I nod, my lips trembling. “Yes. Of course I will.”

Another chorus of cheers, this time accompanied by wolf whistles, carries out of the house. “Put the ring on her finger before she changes her mind, bro,” Mason calls.

Drake flashes me a sexy wink before he slides the almond-shaped diamond set in a platinum band onto my finger. I steal a quick glance at my new family. All of them are smiling widely, many of them holding champagne glasses in the air. I wave my hand, flashing my newest accessory, and then I pop my foot up for show like I’m the star of my own romantic comedy before I return my attention to Drake.

My fiancé. My everything. He’s on his feet now, and he wastes no time at all wrapping me in his strong arms and sealing his lips over mine.

Cue more whistles and cheering.

“They’re so fucking nosy. Can’t a guy kiss his fiancée in private?” Drake murmurs against my lips. But he’s smiling, and so am I.

We’re surrounded by a sea of hugs from Drake’s brothers and Dalton, then Mel, Tyler, Ashley, and Luz join the pile. Drake is eventually pulled away by Maddox and Mason, and they hoist him into the air like he just scored the game-winning touchdown at the homecoming game.

Dalton wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Thank you, Amelia,” he says softly, his gray eyes brimming with tears.

“For what?” I ask him, confused. Surely not for agreeing to marry his son. That is a dream come true.

He glances at his sons, all of them together now. Nathan and Elijah have stolen Drake and are parading him around like a trophy. “Out of all of them, I worried most about Drake being alone. I never thought anyone would make him smile like that.”

Tears fill my own eyes as I look up at my husband-to-be, his head thrown back in laughter as he demands his brothers put him down so he can get back to his wife. “I love him more than anything in this world, Dalton. I would die to make him happy.”

He takes my hand in his and presses a kiss to my knuckles. “I know that, sweetheart. And he would for you too. That’s the kind of love my Verona wanted for all her boys, but especially for him. If you have more than two, the middle child is always the tricky one, just so you know.” He winks.

Is he suggesting …? A blush creeps over my cheeks, but I can’t help the surge of hopeful excitement that rushes through me. These last few months together have been a whirlwind of fun and dates and hot sex, lots and lots of that, and Drake and I have skirted around the idea of kids. I know he’s never imagined a life with kids before, but he’s also not opposed to it now, so maybe …

“Hey Pop, you putting the moves on my wife?” Drake’s deep, sexy voice snaps me from my thoughts, and I realize I’m staring into Dalton’s face, hypnotized at the thought of making him a grandfather again.

“She’s not your wife yet, son. You’d better keep a tight hold on her.” He plants a tender kiss on my cheek and allows his middle son to wrap me in his arms once more.

“Oh, I fucking intend to,” Drake growls while squeezing me tightly. “Now, don’t you all have some champagne to drink and some canapés to eat?” He jerks his head toward the open balcony doors.

Taking his hint, everyone files back into the house, leaving us alone once more. Drake dusts his lips over my forehead. “What were you and Dad talking about so intently?”noveldrama

I hum while I think of a tactful way to tell him that his dad is expecting some more grandbabies. “Um, you and how incredible you are.”

He laughs, and his warm breath washes over my skin. “Anything else?”

I bite down on my lip, a flutter of nerves dancing in my belly that I’m unaccustomed to feeling around this man. Not like this, anyway. He makes me feel so secure in every way, but this is a huge step, and he’s already taken one of those tonight. Still, we promised each other honesty always. “He said that if we have more than two kids, the middle one is always the trickiest.”

I hold my breath, waiting for his reaction. His dark eyes glisten as he gazes at me. “Ah, that figures.” Before I can ask what that means, he kisses me, and my body melts into his. If he’s trying to distract me from having the talk, then it’s sure as hell working.

When he pulls back, he leaves us both panting. “And just for the record, Miss Ryder—soon to be Mrs. James …” He presses his mouth to my ear. “I cannot fucking wait to fuck a baby into you.”

My knees buckle, but his hold on me keeps me upright. “You can make absolutely anything sound filthy, can’t you?”

He shrugs, the corner of his lips quirked upward. “It’s a gift.”

I hold onto him, my fingers sinking into the soft lapels of his tuxedo jacket. “So you do want kids?”

He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and tilts his head to the side.


He laughs, brushing my hair back from my face. “Yes, I want kids, Amelia. A whole fucking tribe of tiny humans who are part me and part you. I mean, hopefully mostly you, but I think a little of the James gene will be tolerable.” He laughs again, and it makes his dark eyes twinkle.

“A whole tribe?” I try my best to frown and feign shock, but I can’t quite manage it because I’m just about delirious with happiness.

“As many as you want, mi rosa. But I guess we’ll start with one and see what happens.”

I snake my arms around his neck and pull his mouth close to mine again. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

“Yes, but I much prefer it when you show me.”

“I can do that.” I purr the words and rub myself against him, smiling when I feel how hard he is already.

He groans and jerks his head toward the house. “That lot are going to want to stay up celebrating our engagement for hours, and I don’t want to deny you or them the pleasure of that. But know that the minute I get you alone …” He growls instead of finishing his sentence.

I brush my lips over his, taunting him with the promise of a kiss before we’re interrupted by Dalton yelling for us to come inside so they can do a toast. Drake rolls his eyes dramatically.

I walk back into his childhood home in a different year as his fiancée rather than his girlfriend, with the knowledge that there is nothing this world could throw at us that would make us falter.

It’s me and him.

It’s us.


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