The Raven and The Snake

The First Book: Part 8

Harry Potter's first Quidditch game was a sight to see. The stands were packed. Ariadne sat two rows to Professor Snape's left. Birdie was chattering excitedly in her ear, but she wasn't listening. Seekers only really came into play when they'd caught sight of the snitch and Harry was positioned far above the pitch, watching the game like a bird of prey.

The constant nagging in her head made her aware that something was going to happen, but she couldn't remember. Birdie and Lee's commentary weren't helping her sort out her thoughts. At regular intervals, she looked around at the other spectators.

"What are you looking for?" Birdie asked her about thirty minutes in.

Ariadne didn't answer. A minute later, Birdie gave a gasp. Ariadne glanced first toward Snape. He had his eyes on the sky, his mouth moving, but she couldn't hear. There was a shuffle and much of the crowd, Birdie included, rose to their feet, moving to the edge of the stands as though they could do something.

Harry Potter was hanging from a thrashing broom. He'd been doing fine up until this point, but now the broom was whipping around like a bucking horse, trying to drop the boy. Ariadne's gaze moved past Snape and she spotted Professor Quirrell. He was looking at the boy, his lips moving, but there was an intensity there. His face was smooth, but there was a fury in his eyes. A sickening twist in her gut made her jump to her feet.

She moved toward Snape without fully understanding her panic. The smell hit her and a yelp came from her throat. "Fire!"

Snape's cloak had lit on fire. He jumped up and stomped on the little flame while the people around turned their heads in alarm. She felt ill at the sight of the small bluish flame. She'd been around countless fires since being in this school, but the little blue one on the professor's cloak made her sick to her stomach. She nearly swooned, colliding with a very startled Professor Quirrell who steadied her.

"Are-are you a-alright, M-miss Black?" Professor Quirrell asked with a heavy studder.

"Yes, Professor," she breathed. His touch absolutely repulsed her. She could smell a dank odor coming from his turban and his expression of concern felt very forced. She didn't want to be so close to him, but she fluttered her lashes as though she were on the verge of fainting and asked him to help her to Madam Pomfrey.

Birdie had noticed that she wasn't nearby anymore and came to her.

"I th-think your fr-friend can take y-you." He muttered and nudged her toward Birdie.

It wasn't necessary anymore. Harry Potter's broom had stopped trying to kill him and he had remounted it. He was hurtling near the ground after the snitch. She and Birdie turned to watch the boy do a surprising stumble. Where had the snitch gone?

He looked momentarily choked, coughing the tiny golden ball into his hand. Lee's voice rang out, announcing the end of the game. Slytherins groaned, but Ariadne didn't really mind. She slid away from the teachers and followed her disappointed housemates back up to the school.

The mood in the Slytherin common room was more depressing than usual. Ariadne avoided it by sitting in the grand hall to study after dinner. The twins were ecstatic, talking about getting snacks from the kitchens for a Gryffindor party. She smiled and waved them goodbye.

A boy from Ravenclaw came over to talk to her once the twins had left. He came on the pretense of asking her about her homework. She'd been writing an essay for her Care of Magical Creatures class about porlocks. Porlocks were a strange sort of bipedal horse that was very shy. She'd had to draw one which came out looking more like a dog than she would've liked.

"My name's Tobias Connelly," He introduced himself with a handshake after a couple of minutes.noveldrama

She was relieved he'd told her because even though she was sure she had several classes with him, she'd had no idea who he was. He was sort of cute with a mass of copper curls and a face full of freckles. His mind was buzzing with nerves as he spoke to her.

"I'm Ariadne Black," she smiled warmly.

"Yeah, I know. You've got the best grades in our year." He sat down next to her, looking over her pages of homework. "Your potions are already more advanced than the rest of ours in Ravenclaw. Snape must have liked your work a lot to make you a teaching assistant."

Her smile fell a fraction. "Professor Snape has been gracious about the headmaster's decision to have me job shadowing. He's been kind enough to allow me to practice healing potions for my work with Madam Pomfrey." "Right, one of my friends said you were also spending a lot of time in the hospital wing." He said this rather quickly, looking slightly panicked. "So are you studying specifically to be a healer then?"

She shrugged lightly. "I guess so. You'd be surprised by which potions we go through most. I'm already practicing making Skelegrow."

His eyes widened. "That's an N.E.W.T course!"

She flushed in embarrassment. She dropped her eyes back to her poorly drawn porlock, trying to make the feet look more like hooves. "Were you looking for help in your potion work?" "N-no. I was wondering if... if maybe you'd want to spend the next Hogsmeade visit with me."

She looked back up at him, taking in his hopeful expression. He had large blue eyes like a puppy. It was sort of cute. She wasn't at all attracted to him, but she'd never really know until she spent more time with him. "Sure..." she forced a brighter smile. "That sounds fun."

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